How do I subscribe to saved search and/or topic alerts?
EBSCO - To create a saved search alert in an EBSCO database (such as Academic Search Complete, Business Source Premier, CINAHL, Education Research Complete, PsycINFO, etc.), perform a search and view your results. To the right of your results list, select E-mail Alert from the Share menu. You will need to log in to your MyEBSCOHost account, or create an account, to save the alert. Instructions with screenshots are available here.
Proquest - It is not necessary to have a free Proquest MyResearch account to create search alerts. However, creating an account will allow you to view and manage all email alerts from your MyResearch profile. To create an alert, perform a search and view your results. On the results screen click Set Up Alert.
PubMed - Click Sign in to NCBI at the top right of the page to register for or sign in to your free account. Perform your search, and click the Create Alert link below the search box.
Publishers and Organizations
Some individual publishers and organizations offer email alerts for saved searches when you create a free account.
- ACS - Click Log In at the top right of the page to register for or sign in to your free account. Once you’re logged in, perform your search. At the very top right of your results list, click the magnifying glass next to Follow Results to create an alert.
- Ovid (Nursing Full Text Plus) - Click My Account at the top right of the page to register for or sign in to your free account. Once you’re logged in, perform your search. In the left column, under Filter By, click Add to Search History. At the top of the page, find the search in your Search History, and under Actions, choose Create Auto-Alert from the dropdown menu.
- Science Direct - Click Create Account at the top right of the page to register for your free account. Once you’re logged in, perform your search. At the top left of your results list, click Set Search Alert.
- Taylor and Francis - Click Log In at the top right of the page to register for or log in to your free account. Once you’re logged in, perform your search. At the top of your results page, click Save this search.
- Wiley - Click Log In/Register at the top right of the page to register for or log in to your free account. Once you’re logged in, perform your search. At the top of your results page, click Save Search.