How can I search for case studies and harvard business review resources?
Accessing the Harvard Business Review
- Here is our catalog record for Harvard Business Review that shows our current holdings, both physical and electronic. Magazines/journals are shelved alphabetically by title on the third floor south. Contact a librarian for assistance.
Harvard Business Review Restrictions
In 2009, Harvard Business School Publishing (HBSP) finalized a license agreement with EBSCO—the vendor of Business Source Complete, which contains the HBR in full text. This license agreement specifies that: “academic licensees may not use this content in electronic reserves, electronic course packs, persistent linking from syllabi or by any other means of incorporating the content into course resources.” Below are some options that instructors may consider.
- Work directly with Harvard Business Publishing for Educators to secure appropriate course content.
- These specific restrictions affect only HBR online content within EBSCO. Polk Library has physical copies of HBR in our collection. You can email and request a online learning librarian scan and send you a copy for use in your course. Polk has issues of HBR from 1953-2011.
- Refer to open source resources, such as through the link below to open-source case studies.
HBR articles that won’t allow linking, printing, or saving
In 2013, Harvard Business School Publishing (HBSP) further restricted access to its 500 most heavily used items (making them read-only). So, if you found a certain article or short case study in an issue of the HBR that was restricted in the database you can email an online learning librarian and we can see if it is in our physical collection in the library to scan and send to you. We have physical copies of the HBR in the Polk Library from 1953-2011.
HBR 500: List of Articles— As this list may change over time, please contact us with any questions.
Looking for an HBR Case Study?
While the library doesn’t purchase the longer HBR case studies that are normally incorporated into class course-packs, two options for acquiring HBR cases include:
- A teacher can purchase, after signing-in, class copies;
- Or individual students, after registering, can purchase the case studies.
When a teacher, after registering for a free educator account, goes to checkout at the HBR site, they will be guided as to the necessary or most appropriate copyright permissions needed.
Full text case studies in library databases
ABI Inform and Business Source Premier contain business cases; just enter your search terms and limit the Document Type to Case Study or Business Case.
Digital Marketing-- Case Studies in Business Source Premier- Sample Search
Sports Marketing-- Case Studies in Business Source Premier- Sample Search
Specific Case Study Journals
Journal of business case studies
Journal of cases on information technology
Asian journal of management cases
South Asian journal of business and management cases
Issues in accounting education
Case studies in Search@UW:
Sample search for business case studies in library catalog
Sample search using the follow in the catalog: "case studies" AND management in ebooks (selected business related filters on left side column)
Alternative Open Source Case Study Resources:
Arthur Andersen Case Studies in Business Ethics
MIT Sloan Management Case Studies
“The Case Centre was set up in 1973 as the Case Clearing House of Great Britain and Ireland. It was the result of a joint initiative by 22 higher education institutions who wanted a reliable facility for sharing case materials among business teachers.”
Institute for Corporate Ethics: Business Roundtable
Independent entity, housed at the University of Virginia's Darden School of Business. Case Studies are reproducible for educational purposes.
New York Times: small business case studies
International City Managers' Association
Choose document type of "case study" on left; then search within results on right.
Free case studies written by the Financial Times.
Additional Links Regarding Copyright and Harvard Business Review
Business Reference and Services Section of the ALA (BRASS) statement on HBR
The Technology, Education and Copyright Harmonization Act of 2002
(TEACH act) was passed in 2002 and sought to apply fair use principles to the online learning environment.
*Disclaimer: None of the following should be taken as legal advice. Please refer to the UW Office of General Counsel regarding any
specific legal/copyright questions.